
Short trip to OSLO

Oslo? Mmmm where is that? Is that somewhere around Solo, Indonesia? Big NO!! :D
Well, Solo eits Oslo is the capital city of Norway. Yap, the famous region for seeing Aurora Borealis and great nature scenery. But, please note, Oslo is not the right one. If you want to see the great Aurora, you have to go to the north part of Norway. Actually, I am not going to write about Aurora in this post. What this post about is just my experience for visiting Oslo within short time, a very short one. So, there are a lot of subjectivities in this post which is affected by the limited time to explore more about this city. So, let just start the review.
Oslo Central Station
We arrived in Oslo around 11 am. Mmm no, I guess it was so close to 12 in the afternoon. And that was during winter period in early of January. So, the daylight was very short, sun would getting down at 3 pm which mean we did not have a lot of time to explore the city. And please underline, we went there on Sunday, and we just realized after we arrived that most of stores were close on Sunday! It is important for us, tourists who actually will spend several times of their visit for window shopping. We just had no where to go then. But, we still tried for enjoying Oslo though. Bringing a one day pass ticket which cost for about 90 NOK, we started our "trip" by visiting Vigeland Park.
One day ticket
One of the statue at Vigeland Park
Vigeland Park is a huge park which filled by a lot of statues, well unique nude statues. Each statue have their own captured activities, but I just did not get the meaning. And visiting the park during winter period was a big mistake for us. Well, we just did not have other option. What we saw there, was just a bleak landscape with nude sculptures which totally not fun. We went up to the highest point of the park, then we saw a good view from the top. It was nice, but the thought of how great the park will be during summer time kept passing by. And our feet were freezing but we had no where to warm up them.


Stuck with thesis thing ep.1

Arrrrrghhhhh...I dont know. Currently, I just want to scream out and the idea of writing on this blog is just passed through my mind. Well, I am already left behind, faarrr farrr away from my friends. Particularly, from those who got same scholarship with me for this master program. They already performed their thesis seminar last 2 weeks perhaps. And me, how about me? It has been 1 and half month since the last time I met with my supervisor.

Actually I have already tried to finish the revision. Last time, I blamed the condition where I couldnt go anywhere since my motorbike were still at the pit shop (well I mean bengkel but I cant find the word and I am too lazy for finding on googletranslate or elsewhere). At that time, I argued that I couldnt do thesis-ing at home. And now, when my motorbike was already back to me, and I almost everyday go out to do thesis-ing, I still couldnt finish it yet. It seems like everyday I arrived at home, there are no progress on my thesis...or say it with only a little progress.

Ooohhh my God, now it is just the last part that hasnt finished yet. Buuttt...why??? Why I find it is too hard for me to end this writing??!! Why is it too hard for me to perform my idea, what is on my mind, into word???? And I keep looking another run out chance for this like opening socmed, and well writing on this blog also become one of the run out for me.

Aannddd pleaaaseeee during this time I beg my self for not letting love matter make it getting worse. Actually, it is already happened. Yes, it is.


Kondisi ekonomi Indonesia tercintah

Well, kali ini aku pengen sotoy ngomongin perekonomian Indonesia yang lagi terpuruk ini. Biasanya aku termasuk orang yang cuek dan cuma jadi penonton pasif yang cuma ngebaca berita ato status orang lain. Dan lagi biasanya aku cuma manggut-manggut sok ngerti, bingung ambil kesimpulan, atau kadang juga pinter mengkritisi dalam hati tentang status-status ato berita yang dibaca. Tapiiiiii, kali ini, entah kenapa rasanya gatel pengen ikutan ngomentarin hal ini. Apalagi barusan ngebaca status facebook temen yang menurutku niih yaa, pendapat dia itu zonk abiis. Di sini aku jadi ngerasa pinter (*well ini cuma another ke-sotoy-an ku yang kadang berujung paiiitt). Kenapa? Karna paling ngga, aku tau kalo pendapat dia itu salah besar.

Hari ini nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar menyentuh angka 14.600!!!! Ini angka yang luar biasa. Terlepas dari pemberitaan media yang sebagian besarnya adalah pemberitaan fiktif demi kepentingan tertentu, faktanya banyak perusahaan yang terpaksa mem-phk karyawannya untuk menekan biaya operasional yang secara langsung terpengaruh karena naiknya nilai tukar ini. Bahkan beberapa dari mereka harus gulung tikar. Kita semua tau (well, mungkin ga semua tau), kalo banyak industri atau pabrik dan perusahaan di Indonesia ini yang masih berpegang kuat sama mata uang dollar. Entah untuk urusan import bahan baku, atau apapun itulah (*nah disini aku bego soalnya gatau contoh lainnya hahahaha), yang jelas perusahaan-perusahaan udah ga sanggup lagi buat mengatasi melonjaknya biaya operasional mereka. Dari sini angka pengangguran tambaahhhhhh tinggi. Sarjana yang sebelumnya udah kesusahan cari kerja, yaaa siap-siap tambah susah cari kerja (*wondering.....apa aku jadi artis yaa?? Kira-kira bakalan laku ga yaa wkwkwk). Kalo kayak gini kondisinya, gimana perusahaan mau ekspansi usaha mereka? Gimana pebisnis mau menginvestasikan uang mereka? Sementara mereka ga dapet jaminan kondisi ekonomi yang stabil, ga dapet jaminan mereka bakal untung. Tentu aja mereka pikir seribu kali buat make duit mereka dan milih "menunda" sampe kondisi ekonomi stabil. Sementara itu, Indonesia butuh sektor usaha buat naikin ekonomi nya biar meroket kayak kata pak presiden tercinta kita (*disini honestly sebenernya aku bego, karna ga paham chain-nya gimana investasi atau ekspansi perusahaan bisa nguntungin Indonesia. Apa dari pajak nya? Nambah lapangan kerja nya? Atau gimana aku gagal paham. In this case, please forgive me). Selain itu, utang Indonesia yang segitu banyaknya itu, pakai nilai tukar dollar lhooo. Bisa kebayang gaa jadi berapa rupiah itu utang?


Another rubbish post :P

Happy new year!!!

Udah nulis bucket list, eee taunya malah belum ngepost sama sekali di tahun 2015 ini. Well, many things happened in the early of this year. Beberapa bucket list pun udah terlaksana. Udah ada beberapa ide buat nulis postingan yang mostly ya tentang cerita Euro trip kemarin. Tapi belum terealisasi buat klik tombol publish aja. Malesnya lagi ga ketulungan banget sebanget bangetnya. Padahal seharusnya sekarang ini udah mulai nyusun thesis. Tapi masalahnya, koordinator program selama di Karlstad University ini, sama sekali belum ngasi feedback. Padahal ide thesis udah disubmit dari sekitar tanggal 20an January lalu. Sebenarnya tahap selanjutnya pembagian supervisor dan penyusunan proposal. Tapi ya gimana ya, namanya mahasiswa kalo belum disuruh ya belum mau bergerak. Alhasil selama 2 mingguan ini magabut banget. Tidur, bangun, makan. Tidur, bangun, makan. Tidur, bangun, makan lagi. Lama-lama bisa jadi ayam gelonggongan kalo kerjanya gini mulu. 

Bosen. Iya. Bosen. Intinya sih itu. Bahkan bosen ini sampai pada tahap, nontonin film udah ga napsu. Rasanya pengen pulang. Kalo ga jalan-jalan keluar kota Karlstad yang terlalu "garing" untuk dibikin fun. Tapi apa daya, karna keterbatasan dana, opsi jalan-jalan bukanlah opsi yang tepat. Hari ini pun, seharusnya didedikasikan buat baca jurnal dan itung-itung nyicil proposal, tapi apa daya yang ada malah ngeliatin foto-foto lama.

Bosen. Iya. Bosen. Sampai pada tahap muncul ide buat nulis alias curhat ga jelas aja di blog. Beberapa jurnal yang udah di download pun belum selesai kebaca. Dan itu jumlahnya ga sedikit dan bahkan ada potensi nambah. Tapi ya gimana lagi. Ga mood babar blas (entahlah itu bahasa apa). Ya at least, I have already tried to be a dilligent student. For me, having try is enough :p Tapiiiiiiii galau juga, gimana nih kalo semisal ga bisa selesai?? Februari, Maret, April, Mei. Can I finish my writing only within 3 and half months? Can I obtain all the needed interview with the respondents and work on the data? Ahh membayangkannya pun ga sanggup. Palingan besok tau-tau udah bulan Mei aja. Tau-tau udah tinggal packing barang buat pulang. Ah sudahlah. Mau minum, sholat, trus lanjut baca jurnal aja deh. Ciaobella :D :D