
How I achive my dream Part 1

Helloooo,,,I wanna share about my experience to achive my dream :)
Agak telaatt sih,,tapi gapapa laah yaaa :p Jadi begini ceritanya, Juli-Agustus itu adalah waktunya liburan semester genap buat para mahasiswa. Udah dari tahun 2010, aku pengen banget ngerasain exchange ke luar. Alhasil, untuk meraih keinginanku itu, aku hunting international event and also summer school. Setelah 2 kali gagal diterima di AYF Taipei dan Urban Planning SS in Finland :( , aku tetap tidak patah semangat!! hahaha Akhirnya aku semangat apply buat SS di University of Hongkong (kampus yang aku kunjungin pas KKP!) dengan mengambil tema tentang environment. FYI, saat itu temen-temen seangkatanku yang lainnya sedang sibuk mengurusi KKN mereka. Ya benar, Kuliah Kerja Nyata. Dan aku dengan enaknya menunda KKN ku demi bisa ikut exchange hahahaha. 

Oke, let's back to the topic. Untuk apply ni SS yaa, boleh dibilang penuh perjuangan. Karena untuk apply aja, ada registration feenya. Dan saat itu, ak masih awam tentang transfer-mentransfer apalagi ni transfer ke Hongkong! Waktu itu pihak Hk University hanya menerima pembayaran dengan credit card atau bank draft. Nah loh, credit card sekeluarga ga da yang punya. Bank draft?

Nichkhun visit Bali

This news maybe so last last year hehe,, but I will keep post this one. So, when I watched Nichkhun video for BR
http://coratcoretmutia.blogspot.com/2011/12/nichkhun-commercial-for-br.html , I keep searching then found  about this one. I've just realized that Khunnie ever been to Bali in 2010 -___- . Yayayaaa I know, at that time I haven't known about him, but at least I've started to love Korean entertainment. At least I also known about WGM and started watching Goguma couple.
Okay, let's check this video when Nichkhun visit Bali with Kim Soyoung to do photo shoot for Elle Fashion. Check this out :

Nichkhun commercial for BR

I found this video while searching for Nichkhun vs Lee Yong Dae match in Korea super series 2010. I couldn't stop laughing while watching his funny face enjoying ice cream hahaha. Check this out :

I wanna be,,,

I wanna be an architect planner

Architect, architect, architect.
I keep this thought in my mind since my high school grade. Everyone has their own dream job. So do I. Soon, I would be a college student therefore I must thought about what major I would take. At that time I just wanna be an architect (the prestigious job, coolest job I've ever thought). I studied hard so I could enter that department in Gadjah Mada University (again! the prestigious university, coolest university I've ever thought). Therefore I must study study study while my mother enjoy watched TV zzzzzz

To save my condition, I also took the test for entering architect department in a private university in my hometown, mmm how to say it,,just for my second choice if I couldn't accepted in GMU. Shortly, I was accepted in the private one but not in GMU.


Just wanna say SELAMAT DATANG :D
Welcome to my second blog, after I ruined the first one hehehe. I made this blog because I wanna share something from me to others. I know I'm just a newbie here and I know sometime I"m inconsistent, but I'll keep blogging (I wish :p)
Thank you for visiting mine, enjoy!