
a little complaint for boyfie

Yap, I have a little complaint for my boyfie who have already moved to his hometown, Bekasi. Now, he decided not to use blackberry phone anymore. And his main reason is just because he will work soon and want to be more focus. Yaa soon!! He was accepted at a private company in Jakarta and gonna start to work on 9th April. Still a week later but he stopped using Blackberry since a month ago??

He was start using blackberry because his mom couldn't use hers. Then he asked me for using as well which aim to make our communication easier. In conclusion, I bought Blackberry to fulfill his command. Then, when my bb internet service expired so we must used our message service for communication, he denial that it's more difficult than using BB messenger.

And now, he is the one who stopped using Blackberry?? Hmmm, well I can't forced him right? Although, my BB have a long respond to open and reply his messages (only his messages), but I have to survive with this condition. hhmmmmmm

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